All-on-4 Dental Implants Treatment MelbourneMissing All Your Teeth? All-on-4 vs. Full-Mouth Implants: Choosing the Right Smile Solution.

Thinking of restoring your damaged or missing teeth with implant surgery? You may have to consider either full mouth or All-on-4 dental implants, two of the most popular restoration options available today. But figuring out the best of the two can get overwhelming for some.

While both types of dental implants might look similar on the outside, there are several differences you need to know before you can choose the ideal treatment. Here’s what you need to know.

Understanding All-on-4 Implants

The All-on-4 dental implants procedure is an innovative technique that has proven to be a game-changer in restorative dentistry, designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth using just four strategically placed implants.

Instead of requiring a single implant for each missing tooth, All-on-4 allows for the restoration of a full set of teeth in the mouth with a few minimal implants. It’s particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost multiple teeth in either the upper or lower jaw and are seeking a more permanent solution than conventional dentures.

During the treatment, the dentist places four titanium screws into the jawbone that serve as a sturdy foundation for your new teeth. Over time, these implants fuse with the jawbone, ensuring your artificial teeth are stable, functional, and look natural.

Understanding Full Mouth Implants

Full Mouth (or Full Arch) Dental Implants has been the traditional procedure that needs extensive dental restoration. Unlike single-tooth implants, this procedure completely replaces an entire arch of teeth. The dentist secures a bridge of high-quality, titanium-supported teeth directly into the jawbone.

The implants support the bridge, resulting in a stable and long-lasting restoration. Patients can benefit from the functionality and aesthetics of a complete set of teeth without the lengthy recovery periods associated with individual implants.

Which is the Best for You?

Deciding between these two treatments solely depends on factors like the amount of damaged or missing teeth you have, the condition of your jawbone, and your overall health. Both involve inserting metal implants into the jawbone, but All-on-4 uses fewer implants.

A typical full mouth implant procedure may require 8-10 implants per jaw, which can be taxing on your body and require a longer healing time, often between six months to a year.

In contrast, the benefit of the All-on-4 procedure uses only four implants per jaw, placed at specific angles to maximize support and stability. This approach reduces the pressure on your jaw and allows for the entire procedure to be completed in just 1-2 days. The angled placement of the implants also makes it a viable option for patients with significant bone loss.

When it comes to choosing between the two, both implants offer a viable solution for restoring missing teeth. Of the two, All-on-4 provides a far quicker and less invasive approach, especially suitable for those with limited bone density.

However, in some situations where a patient may have lost almost all of teeth on either jaw due to decay or damage, a complete full mouth implant treatment is necessary. It can also be ideal for those seeking a cosmetic smile makeover and where All-on-4 might not always be an option.

In either case, we recommend consulting a dentist to understand what might be better for you. At Advanced Dental Implants Institute, we can help you with both full mouth and All-on-4 dental implant treatment in Melbourne. Get in touch with our team to book your appointment.

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